Market Boost

Move buyers & sellers closer to closing with automated website and email reports for locations and criteria you choose.

Get Started
House on green upward arrow, symbolizing real estate market growth.

You’re The Local Expert

Insights into market activity position you as a local market expert, ready to help buyers & sellers close.

  • Simple & powerful – Just create a Market (saved search) in your account and MarketBoost handles the rest

  • Define Market locations with property search options or draw on a map

  • We crunch the numbers on prices, inventory, and timing so your website and email reports are always up to date

Dynamic Website Reports

Report pages stay fresh on your site. Email report subscription forms bring new prospects to grow your client base.

  • 3 report pages are produced for each Market you create: • Active & sold listings
    • Open homes
    • Market stats on inventory, median price, median days on site, sale to list price %

  • Site visitors become leads when they sign up to receive reports by email

  • Add links to report pages or embed reports in your own custom pages

Email Reports

Engage your prospects with updates on market activity that keep them returning to your site.

  • Your branding is prominently featured

  • Subscribers can choose from 3 email reports for each Market you create:
    • Daily: Active & sold listings, price changes
    • Weekly: Open homes (sent Thursdays)
    • Monthly: Market stats & trends

  • Content variety offers options for buyers and sellers in all stages of learning and exploring

  • Links in listings and reports bring subscribers back to your site

Manage & Discover

Easily manage subscriptions and track your leads’ engagement.

  • Add leads individually or in bulk to any email report subscriptions

  • Manage your leads’ report subscriptions in your IDX Control Panel or in Optima Leads, our mobile app for agents

  • Lead and email activity reports help you learn which leads are more engaged and active

Your Team Wins

Use our Broker account option for your brokerage office website. Each agent gets their own branded email reports to help them close more clients.

  • Agents’ personal branding appears with the brokerage branding on report emails

  • Agents can manage subscribers themselves and monitor their leads’ engagement